28 Sep 15 Health Professionals Who Can Benefit from SomaTraining
Are you a health professional who would like to learn new tools and techniques? SomaTraining is the perfect addition to your approach. Keep reading to learn how specific types of health professionals can improve their practice by adding SomaTraining tools and techniques.
First, what is SomaTraining?
SomaTraining is a comprehensive conditioning system developed by the renowned French Osteopath, Guy Voyer. It is a revolutionary tool for rehabilitation, injury prevention, and performance. SomaTraining includes ELDOATM, myofascial stretching (MFS), global postural stretching (GPS), and a whole lot more.
Its techniques are targeted at improving:
- Joint mechanics and tissue quality
- Musculoskeletal balance
- Coordination and posture
- Strength and conditioning
Health professionals who can benefit
Therapy professionals
SomaTraining aims to utilize the global connective tissue network to activate the body’s own capacity for positive development and healing. It is a tremendous tool for:
- Physiotherapists
- Osteopaths
- Chiropractors
- Occupational therapists
- Physical therapists
- Physiatrists
Athletics professionals
The SomaTraining conditioning system includes excellent tools for balance, coordination, and strength, as well as injury prevention. It may be the perfect addition to the approach of:
- Sports therapists
- Sports medicine physicians
- Athletic trainers
- Strength coaches
Fitness professionals
ELDOA, myofascial stretching (MFS) and global postural stretching (GPS)—which are all part of the SomaTraining paradigm—make wonderful supplements to other fitness programs. These tools can greatly benefit the clients of:
- Personal trainers
- Yoga instructors
- Pilates instructors
- Fitness instructors
- Massage therapists
Are you just beginning your career in health and fitness? SomaTraining is for you, too. A course in basic anatomy will be offered before starting the program, and advanced anatomy will be taught throughout.
Coaches who’ve participated
Health professionals who’ve participated in the SomaTraining program include Paul Gagné, fitness coach for professional and Olympic athletes; Charles Poliquin, physical trainer specializing in sports performance; Paul Chek, physical trainer and specialist in specific training and rehabilitation; Francine Savard, physical trainer and specialist in bodybuilding and fitness; and Vincent Comtois, physical trainer and naturopath.
Here at BTMA Studio, we are thrilled to host SomaTraining Institute Chicago for a limited number of SomaTraining courses right here in St. Louis. The 3-year SomaTraining program gives trainers a distinguished position as a professional within the health and fitness industry.
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