How to Become a SomaTrainer

SomaTraining is the first truly comprehensive training program created by the renowned French Osteopath, Guy Voyer. It aims to utilize the global connective tissue network to activate the body’s own capacity for positive development and healing. Are you a sports trainer, fitness coach, physical therapist, or any type of fitness professional looking to improve your practice? Here’s how to become a SomaTrainer.

The SomaTraining program

To earn your SomaTraining diploma, you can follow a three-year program offered by SomaTraining Institute Chicago. The program consists of five courses each year (fifteen total). To better accommodate out-of-town students, each course will be in the form of a three-day intensive workshop. You don’t have to finish all coursework within a three-year time period. However, students who register for the full program will receive a discount of $800 per year.

The SomaTraining curriculum

The curriculum integrates the very precise exercise techniques engineered by Guy Voyer D.O. and derived from the osteopathic philosophy originated by Andrew Taylor Still. Here are the courses you must complete to become a SomaTrainer:

  1. Segmental and analytical reinforcement of the abdominal and thoracic diaphragm
  2. Segmental and analytical strengthening of the lower limbs
  3. Segmental and analytical strengthening of the upper limbs and trunk
  4. Transverse abdominus reinforcement and training
  5. Squat and posturology analysis
  6. General ELDOA
  7. Myofascial stretching (MFS)
  8. Global postural stretching (GPS)
  9. Specific ELDOA
  10. Clinical applications, sauna and examination
  11. Orthopedic strapping
  12. Kinesiology, periodization and clinical applications
  13. Cardiovascular training and physical conditioning tests
  14. Vascular and respiratory exercises
  15. Specific proprioception and awareness

Interested in diving deeper into ELDOA? Become an ELDOA trainer in four steps. Learn more.

Want more info on how to become a SomaTrainer? Check out SomaTraining Institute Chicago, the only SomaTraining school in middle America. We have the honor of hosting a limited number of SomaTraining courses right here at BTMA Studios in St. Louis.

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